I am seeing this more and more and it is really grating at my last nerve!
I don't mind of course seeing a mom post to their child's wall "dinner is ready", though I admit I don't like seeing it a lot, it isn't as bothersome as a lot of other things I do see.
How about those moms who carry on and on and on at how much they love their child, hold discussions with them about personal things on Facebook. I see something very disturbing about this when these two are in the same house!
Is it not possible to love your child off of Facebook or tell them off of Facebook? Why is so important that everyone think you're a stellar mom - on Facebook? If you can't hop off your computer and talk to your child when the child posts he doesn't want to even live anymore, you aren't a stellar mom, you're ignorant and a terrible mother, in my opinion. This "mom" posts his wall back saying "don't say things like that honey. I love you to the moon and back." How about you get up off your ass and go to that child, he is in the same house! How about you not engaging in drinking with that child when he isn't even of age? I saw that post too. And the Mother of the year award goes to..not her or anyone like her.
I guess that goes in line with those who have perfect lives on social media, always had a great day, with great friends, and had great food...or they are off to vacation, again!! Perhaps it's the photos of the new car, the new house, or the numerous happy snaps. It seems that people don't go anywhere or do anything without planning the pictures to post on Facebook. How about those moms and dads who can't even take their child to the park without being on Facebook, taking 30 photos, of all the same thing, and posting them. Or the young girls taking the half-naked bathroom selfies, protruding those duck lips...or the boys, shirtless in the bathroom, flexing but trying to look like they're not. There is always the "group" of people that must post pics and statutes about everything that they are doing, but only if it is fun.
Facebook moms really irritate me. Yes, I tell my kids I love them on Facebook, but they don't live with me, they're adults, I don't however make a big habit of it. Instead, I call them or private message them to have a conversation. I think that is appropriate. I kid around with them on Facebook, keeping it light and easy, no need for the intimate details of who we are as people and as a family to be public knowledge. That is the way I see it. I'm not talking about your child graduating from any school and you not being over the moon and expressing it! Nor am I talking about being happy and proud over an achievement they've done. Those ARE the reasons to express your love, pride, and excitement for them.
For the rest of it, I guess what bugs me is the intent behind it, intentional or not...it's too look like your life is oh so much better than most..and when you see you are doing that or someone actually points it out by saying something like "wow, you have a wonderful family life, is everything always so perfect and loving?" That is when you'll throw in a status - "I just received my electric bill, I can't believe the increase!!!!!!!!! At first, I thought it might be a faulty appliance causing it, but remembered, that is not possible, all of my appliances are brand new, I guess I'll just have to cut my vacation back from 10 days to 7 days in order to pay it. :-( Life can be so unfair!" <-----still will NOT concede that life isn't perfect everyday..lol Trust me when I tell you, I know these people, they're obviously on my friend's list, life is far from perfect ...yet for some idiotic reason they live and breathe for making people think it is. I don't get it.
Perhaps I should not feel irritated, annoyed, or nerve-wracked by it, but instead pity them..but I've never been one to just dole out pity to anyone for any reason..
I don't see that changing.
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