27 January 2011

Negativity & Jealousy

As I write this, I am disgusted, annoyed, and bewildered. You see, I have a good friend, who I'll call opal, who has a beautiful, 16 year old daughter, who I'll call diamond. Diamond is model material, but she is too short, otherwise, she'd have been "discovered" and working as one by now.  Diamond is sometimes called names in school, such as fat and ugly..I see diamonds pictures all the time, all recent, she is far from either. 

Because Diamond is 16, and they are impressionable, emotional, and take a lot to heart. I decided that I would take 3 recent photos of Diamond and post them on my facebook page, posing the question, cute or stunning? Everyone that commented made positive comments and I felt really good about what I had done, because you see, Diamond is also on my friends list on facebook, I wanted her to read positive comments and help her see she is none of the mean names that jealous girls call her. One of the cute comments came from her mum, Opal, saying Thank you, she's only 16, but she will appreciate your kind words.  Then..I was dismayed and angry when one of my "friends" posted on the first photo and wrote, cute..I struggle to find stunning. I replied, "keep looking, you will find it". She bypassed the second photo, which was the most stunning of all and went to the third and wrote, she's cute but she still has baby fat in her face..this was after the comment from mum stating the girl was only 16, she then carried onto say some other negative comments, she wrote a dialogue on her negative opinions of this girl. In my disgust and complete disbelief that anyone would insult a child, when clearly I, her friend, wrote that Diamond is gorgeous, just made me furious!  I finally wrote my purpose for the posting of the photos and used that to explain why I'd be deleting all negative comments and then, promptly did so.

Now, the "friend" who posted these negative comments is middle aged, over weight, divorced, and unemployed. I understand her personal negativity to an extent..but I believe that it's shameful and disgraceful to be cruel to others because you're struggling with weight issues, and are having a hard time finding work.  

I just want to say to anyone who reads this, if you find yourself in the situation my soon to be "ex friend" did, don't be cruel, don't pass off your hate and negativity onto anyone, but especially a child. If you do..you have more to be ashamed of than you realise. 

In hindsight, my "friend" made an ass of herself, there isn't one person who'd look at her photo and not see this was the act of jealousy. Middle aged women have no business being jealous if a 16 year old kid! 

Grow up!

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