18 January 2011

Manners, anyone?

I get really angry with people who do you “favours”, but in reality, that favour is cleverly designed to actually help them out. Not to say that helping others isn’t what it is all about, but at least be honest and upfront when you are offering a favour, state that it’s a win-win situation and advise the lucky winner of your favour, as to what you want in return or how their offering to you, will also benefit them. This way, the communication channel is open and the recipient can refuse your favour if what you seek in return is too demanding for them...when you aren’t upfront and honest, the recipient takes you up on your offering and is then forced to abide by your underlying motives. That is just rude and shows your lack of ethics and manners!

Don’t be a bad host, for goodness sakes! I can’t count the stories I have heard over the years, of people being mistreated when invited to someone’s home…Really? What is that all about?

I could not IMAGINE inviting someone into my home and treating them with anything less than respect, friendliness, and naturally being as helpful as I can be. I certainly can’t imagine the motivation behind being a crappy host. If your guests have over stayed their welcome, that is one thing, but that is not what I am necessarily carrying on about. I am crabbing about those that have you over..Say for dinner...and ask you to help prepare it, set the table for it, and clean up after it…that is very bad “host manners." I would not have a dinner guest do anything but enjoy themselves. Or the scenario where you are invited over for coffee or a glass of wine and upon arrival, you are handed whatever it is you went there for and the host sits on the computer, or talks on the phone, or is periodically texting and texting…Bad “host manners."

Now, I am not Miss. Manners by any means, I have blurted out the most vile crap, at the most inappropriate of times…I have sinned in the land of manners many of times..but this is my blog, where I crab about others and I get off the hook.

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1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha... well you would LOVE me! I am the hostess with the mostess! Just ask any of my bunco babes who came for a party Friday night! They were wined and dined and treated to EXTREME SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY! I agree with you... you gonna play the hostess give it your mostess.... no lame half @$$ attempt is acceptable... preach on girl. GOOD TIPS!!!


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