13 November 2020

They are out of touch

3:16:44 Again with accusing the Attorney General Barr of being a Trump Puppet because he is permitting a voter investigation - it is based on the sworn affidavits by American citizens, are you forgetting who you represent when you make statements about American Citizens and accusing them of being baseless and frauds. Are you serious? Are you THAT demented that you believe that? Are you NOT wondering how in the hell Mr. Biden who did not campaign much, had small crowds, but a shit ton of money, somehow ended up having more votes than Obama? That he somehow had the most votes of any President in HISTORY? That with his son's Laptop tying to him to treason he got all that? Also with arrests made of voter fraud where one woman alone filed over 175 illegal votes for Biden? That with the anti-fracking policy that all those who rely on fossil fuels for work voted for him? That with his constant uncomfortable groping of women and children that many mothers, grandmothers and 18 year-olds would all vote for him? That with his inability to even know where he is, or what position he is running for that people will offer a sympathy vote? As much as Trump has annoyed me, especially with his barbaric and heartless immigration policy (money before family reunification) and the fact that he has not done enough for social security, the elderly, health insurance - including the premiums offered versus the services they will provide, and the cost of prescription drugs, knowing beforehand is not good enough! Significantly LOWERING these costs while keeping a good insurance policy is long overdue. If he thinks it is good enough, perhaps he should have to carry that insurance along with everyone in congress, the senate and the house of representatives, now even with all that, his accomplishments has put the United States back on the map and the first that have been accomplished are second to none, the stock market, producing our own oil and steel, and record low unemployment and prison reform. No one can or should ever blame a sitting President for an unknown virus entering the country and causing so much damage, to assert he did nothing is lying through your teeth, he closed the borders and was mocked relentlessly for it as being a racist and bigot and now a few of you have the audacity to say he did not act fast enough and those deaths are on him..and you are full of crap. The Governor of New York put COVID patients in with the MOST vulnerable and killed them, and he has had the audacity to write a book on how well he handled it? If it is his policy to keep the country open, that is the right thing to do as many countries and states have and did not suffer as much as just New York. The country right now would not be starving for work and businesses. Keep the vulnerable home, let the others work. But it is too late for that. You praise rioters and looters and tell a salon to close. Give me a break, I know many of us aren't as important as you think you are, but we are not dumb. I respect your right to your opinions but in a judiciary hearing those are dangerous and inflammatory comments and some of you calling Mr. Biden the President-Elect knowing full well he is not and permitting him to have contact with foreign leaders beyond "congratulations", though I do not know for what as he has not been officially elected, that said, he should not have any contact with Foreign leaders and should NOT be discussing ANYTHING with them as he is NOT yet the President of the United States. I do not understand how people in your positions and with your power and authority say the things you do (what I have pointed out) and in the way that you do. I had no idea that some of you are not even aware that the United States of America is in-fact a Constitutional Republic.
The Statement made by the Former Deputy FBI director at 3:16:42 I agree with when someone is being that secretive about contact with foreign nations and it is a 4-star General to boot would raise concerns. If I were doing that job, I would be VERY concerned, to be honest.
Senator Klobuchar, it is my understanding the election is incomplete, and Mr. Biden is not the President-Elect as I pointed out earlier due to the FACT the current sitting President has not conceded the election - The American people have spoken and therefore those votes will be counted, also we will be removing those made by dead people and invalids and those who voted over 50 times. That is all accurate information and you can fact-check that. Those of us watching this have a clear understanding of when this occurred by knowing through the press at the time and the testimony provided. I understand that many people in power believe that we are rather stupid, ignorant, and possibly so confused by big words that we don't know what the fk we are watching...P.S. We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I will have to move on from you as you look like a happy and wonderful person even though you insist on stating non-acts as facts (Fast forward)
I just caught something, in the Former FBI director's statement at 3:16 or thereabout he stated that "a long and extensive effort trying to "prove" the many allegations in the steel reporting. Why would you be "trying to PROVE" these allegations versus simply investigating the allegations?? That is one hell of a statement to admit the focus was to PROVE the allegations. I am very sorry you were fired, it is obvious to me that you are not a liar.
Mr. Whitehouse you can submit a tip to the FBI https://www.fbi.gov/tips
I'm sorry Mr. Whitehouse it has been alleged that there is evidence of Biden's connections to China on a laptop the FBI has had for a year or more and the public only found out about it because of the store owner, NOT an investigation into it by the FBI - When the FBI investigated the Trump campaign it was national news and they ensured everyone knew, but this laptop seems to be "top secret" and does not appear to be being investigated. So with all due respect, Trump's statements echo the sentiments of many Americans and therefore are not merely frivolous accusations. To be clear, I am not either a big Trump supporter or a Biden supporter, and in the same breath do not detest either man. What I like to be is fair and I do lean toward the underdog for reasons that are clear and obvious when the FBI doesn't investigate and prosecute high-profile political democrats; when the news channels will not speak of any accomplishment without the added insult of the sitting President; when the Speaker of the house calls him a racist - bigot -etc and rips his state of the union address behind him as he speaks, those things tell intelligent Americans (and other nationalities around the globe) that something very fishy is happening and it is NOT that the sitting president is evil, but something much deeper. Lastly, Biden is NOT yet the President-elect, the current President would need to concede for him to be considered as such.
If I may interrupt Mr. Whitehouse (lol) Contacts are NOT valid reasons to IGNORE intelligence from the CIA and had they actually investigated I am certain the CIA would have given them the list of contacts they had that alerted them to the issue. When you shrug information off, from a credible source such as the CIA, you aren't going to get "contacts" now are you? Carry on.
Attorney General Barr implemented that permission based on legal fact and you are aware of that and are misleading in your statements. There are signed affidavits outlining fraud or are you simply making a statement without the facts? While you say "the American People" like you care in one breath, in another you are stating that their statements are baseless and just Trump supporters as if they have a disease. That is not very American.
Mr. Durbin, you are well aware that the policy at the border was implemented by Obama and Trump put an end to it. You are also well aware that your party is 100% for removing an otherwise healthy baby boy or girl from its mother's womb just before birth to abort it; If it does NOT die that horrific death during that abhorrent procedure, it is left to suffer and die on a steel table. Kindly shut your mouth about the "fake sympathy" regarding the separation of children BECAUSE I can not think of a more harmful and painful way than the separation from one's mother by being ripped limb by limb from the womb.

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