18 January 2011

Jerk-off of the year 2010

Ok, now for you jerks who seek enjoyment being cruel to your family and friends...you know who you are...stop the crap USER! Everyone you know is so sick and tired of being used, if you really look around, you honestly don’t have many friends left...it is because they are sick of being taken advantage of; Sick of being used and lied to. You are so cunning and yet so transparent...the put on conversations, the fake laughs, the fake nails and dead eyes...The exaggerated lifestyle, the obvious dislike for children, the out-right lies for the purpose of belittling...the sick enjoyment you get from watching others drown..Their feet kicking to stay above water..While you stand at the shore..With a life preserver, laughing. You are truly “Jerk-off's of the year”.

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  1. Wow, reading this really blew my mind. It was so exactly like a friend and her husband that I once associated with. Hopefully they are one and the same - awfully sad to think that there are others that live their life the way the pair I know does.


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