18 January 2011

People who should be slapped

What is the deal with well-off people who feel the need to one up their financially inferior “friends?”...is this really a friendship or is it simply someone to compete with, where you will always win? I think these sorts of people should be tossed onto an island, broke, with people just like them.

I will never understand the need to talk for 40 minutes, on a mobile phone, while you grocery shop, you don’t watch where you are going, you never grab what you need and move on, thus clearing the isle for those who are there to grocery shop.. You come close to getting your butt kicked every 10 seconds.. You idiot.

I have no tolerance for people who have or have the tendency to abuse an animal, especially a pet.. What you have done, or say you will do to them, should be done to you, regardless of how cruel it is. People like you should be ashamed of themselves; you’re heartless, selfish and have no soul.

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