27 January 2011

Negativity & Jealousy

As I write this, I am disgusted, annoyed, and bewildered. You see, I have a good friend, who I'll call opal, who has a beautiful, 16 year old daughter, who I'll call diamond. Diamond is model material, but she is too short, otherwise, she'd have been "discovered" and working as one by now.  Diamond is sometimes called names in school, such as fat and ugly..I see diamonds pictures all the time, all recent, she is far from either. 

Because Diamond is 16, and they are impressionable, emotional, and take a lot to heart. I decided that I would take 3 recent photos of Diamond and post them on my facebook page, posing the question, cute or stunning? Everyone that commented made positive comments and I felt really good about what I had done, because you see, Diamond is also on my friends list on facebook, I wanted her to read positive comments and help her see she is none of the mean names that jealous girls call her. One of the cute comments came from her mum, Opal, saying Thank you, she's only 16, but she will appreciate your kind words.  Then..I was dismayed and angry when one of my "friends" posted on the first photo and wrote, cute..I struggle to find stunning. I replied, "keep looking, you will find it". She bypassed the second photo, which was the most stunning of all and went to the third and wrote, she's cute but she still has baby fat in her face..this was after the comment from mum stating the girl was only 16, she then carried onto say some other negative comments, she wrote a dialogue on her negative opinions of this girl. In my disgust and complete disbelief that anyone would insult a child, when clearly I, her friend, wrote that Diamond is gorgeous, just made me furious!  I finally wrote my purpose for the posting of the photos and used that to explain why I'd be deleting all negative comments and then, promptly did so.

Now, the "friend" who posted these negative comments is middle aged, over weight, divorced, and unemployed. I understand her personal negativity to an extent..but I believe that it's shameful and disgraceful to be cruel to others because you're struggling with weight issues, and are having a hard time finding work.  

I just want to say to anyone who reads this, if you find yourself in the situation my soon to be "ex friend" did, don't be cruel, don't pass off your hate and negativity onto anyone, but especially a child. If you do..you have more to be ashamed of than you realise. 

In hindsight, my "friend" made an ass of herself, there isn't one person who'd look at her photo and not see this was the act of jealousy. Middle aged women have no business being jealous if a 16 year old kid! 

Grow up!

25 January 2011

Stubborn or Integrity?

There is a quote that I love; One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

Chinua Achebe quotes

I have been accused of being obstinate, closed-minded, and basically uninformed because of strong values/beliefs on many things.  Clearly, I love the above quote because my rejection to be compromised has led to others compromising their manners, sense of reasoning, and themselves. They always tend to start ridiculing you because you will not shift..Which isn't saying much for their moral fiber, now is it?

Now, I understand the difference between being compromised and having a belief system that may be flawed, nevertheless, if you believe in it, you know there are flaws in it because any knowledgeable person would logically know enough about it to trust in it. The alternative belief may have more flaws, thus you have chosen to believe what sits best with you and your lifestyle.  Being compromised can dictate to many different facets of being and way of life.

I believe in G-D, and many believe in evolution. These are debates that will bring out the worst in Christians and heathens alike.

I believe in right and wrong, some believe that everything they do is right and you are always wrong.

I believe in family values, while others believe in “getting theirs” even if it's against the family.

I believe that those you meet for the first time should be accepted, and respected with an open mind unless of course the meeting is a professional one and you are visiting them in prison to discuss their rape/murder/abduction, etc case.  Others believe that people must earn their respect and trust. I believe that it is I who must earn that from those I meet.

I believe that my behavior when I am away from you should embody my behavior when I am with you.  Some people believe “the cats away, the mice shall play”.

I believe that there are some actions that are unjustifiable and unforgivable. Some people believe that everyone deserves a tenth chance.

I believe in being honest and being myself, always. Some people believe it’s best to make an impression and set out being someone they really aren’t..but they can’t see that.

I believe that if we don’t occasionally put ourselves first, we will always come up last. Some people believe that it’s best to always put others first, it’d be selfish, otherwise.

I believe that a true friend is rare and is to be treasured. Some people believe that true friends don’t exist because everyone has an agenda. (That’s usually the person who believes that way).

I believe that pets are the most precious gift to man and should be treated with great love and care. Some people believe they are easy targets and abuse them in the most horrific ways. (These people are typically mouthy, but cowardly, and bullies to other people).

I believe that children are also the most precious gift to man and should be treated with the greatest love and care. Some people believe they too are easy targets and abuse them in the most horrific ways. (These people are generally mouthy to anyone they deem below them, obviously cowardly, and bullies to those, including pets, that are weaker and smaller).

All of the aforementioned subjects I will not be compromised on. I stand by what I believe, and I will NOT agree with you for the sake of satisfying your ego. I will not surrender to a weakened alternative nor have in me an iniquity that would destroy me to the core.

So call me obstinate, closed-minded, and basically uninformed because of my values/beliefs on many things.  Clearly, I love the above quote because I have integrity.


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Control Freaks

Why Is It Always About You The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism

I really can't stand to be around control freaks..They grate on the last nerve in my body, I have to control myself so I don't go off on a rant explainin' to them that most everything they do, they do wrong..that their way isn't best, and their demands are unreasonable! Control freaks need to learn that they end up with the majority resenting them, maybe even hating them, and they are viewed as someone with a superiority complex, and of course, that is repulsive in itself.

Everything must be done their way, in their time frame, and with their approval, of course. They have to be head honcho all of the time and everyone must answer to them. It's quite Hitler'ish if you ask me. I have seen a connection between substance abuse and control freaks, but maybe that's just my experiences with "those people".

A control freak believes that everything they do is 100% proper all of the time, they are superior in their knowledge of, and performance of -  domestic duties, cooking, their chosen career and yours too, gardening, parenting, driving, planning, organising events, etc..You get the picture. I think these people are also narcissists because they are egotistical and self adsorbed..They would have to be in order to maintain their superiority complex and the constant bullying they hand out to get their own way. It is ALWAYS about them and never about YOU.

I have found that most are not easy to deal with and nearly impossible to live with. They are quite unstable if things do not go their way, especially if they TOLD you to do something and when to do it.  They don't ASK if you would do this or that, they order you to do it and most times will state at time it is to be done.  This is infuriating to say the least..no one appreciates being told, on a daily basis, what to do and being given a deadline to have it done...especially in their own house!  The problems that can result from living that way, I imagine are many. This "doing as your told" business can really alter the individuality of a partner/spouse, they literally must start living to satisfy the control freak..or face a row  they likely will not win. The reason I believe they wouldn't win is because if they are weak or kind enough to bullied around, they won't have the back bone to tell the control freak to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. 

I too have a propensity to be controlling, I believe that many of us do, but there are limits to mine. My control freak nature is to just do it myself, honestly, there are certain responsibilities that I don't feel anyone else can do suitably in my home. I took absolute control of home, I did everything myself.  This is controlling in its own way, it just doesn't assault the lifestyle of others, unless of course they want to eat or have a drink on my couch, you'll cop it from me right quick for trying that!

I once worked for a control freak, it didn't last long..he accused me of signing his name to a legal letter, I showed Mr. Scatterbrained the original which used HIS pen that he carried with him always, upon his sighting that he was, in fact, wrong, an apology was ordered, I didn't see one coming, so as he walked to leave my office, I said "pardon me, don't you have anything to say?"  He replied "yes, I do, I need this file and that file and I want them now"...I instantly jumped from my chair, slammed my fist on my desk and loudly yelled "Just who in the F---k do you think you're talking to?"  His stunned look elated me, he hadn't been aggressively challenged before..With that, I slammed my hand again and yelled "F---ing answer me!"  He sheepishly left my office, put on his coat and left the office.

I quickly typed my "resignation letter" in paragraph 2 of a legal letter that I had been typing,  “you can finish this yourself, I quit"!  Proudly, I left my office keys on the file cabinet because I had flipped my desk, locked and walked out the door.  Within 2 minutes of driving home, my mobile phone was ringing and beeping I had 3 voice mails when I got home, all from him, wanting to “discuss this, please” and apologising for his behaviour.  I did not call the idiot back because I DO have backbone and I do not have the patience or the capacity to deal with control freaks.

20 January 2011


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</script>Why can't these little, beautiful, soft, sweet babies come with instructions?  How much easier would parenting be, if before you left the hospital, you were magically delivered a manual that told you everything about your new baby, how it preferred to be held, when it wanted to be fed, if it would be stubborn and how to cope with that and how to still maintain the authority needed to make things right. If the child were to be too passive, how to teach it to be more aggressive in terms of not being a doormat, but certainly not a bully; if there were underlying issues for the potential to magnetize themselves to addictions, how to avoid that and keep the child on a clear path. 

Not to diminish the valuable lessons that mistakes teach us, because they are paramount, we need those lessons, however, it would be so great for parents to have a clue what you are capable of dear child. 

The mistakes we make with our children because we are doing it all, no matter how many you have is on instinct, but not based necessarily on the child's real needs, and perhaps a manual would help?

Each child, if you have 1 or 7, are all uniquely different because they are individuals. They may resemble you both, but they aren't you and realizing this is also paramount. They aren't necessarily going to be like you, they may be a polar opposite, therefore having a plan, having some knowledge would help in so many ways.

Children, also teach us..they teach us to play again, to find fun and humor in the little things, they teach us that a toothless smile is adorable and completely irresistible, that the sound of their cough or sneeze is enough to bring us to our knees with worry; that teething, though we don't remember it -- is hell..or for some babies, you never even notice they are cutting a tooth because they either deal with it better or simply do not go through agonizing pain in the process. They teach us that dirt is fun and crayons are magic..pots and pans are actually musical instruments and the toilet is for flushing everything that is unwanted or pretty cool to watch swirl around before it attempts to go down..they teach us that a midnight feeding is an opportunity to bond...and that cookie crumbs are fun to mash into into anything! 

When the child is a tot, we wish they would learn all these things, such as talking, walking and maybe even feeding themselves, we yearn at times for them to grow - DON'T - as they grow, the problems can too...Let them be a child, explore, wonder, learn and play!

 My children mean nothing less than the world to me, so often I feel I have failed them, and in many ways, I believe I have. I did not have a manual, I was 17 when my first was born..I was 25 when my last was born. I was many times, a baby, raising a baby.

Which brings me to say; read parenting books, take from them what sounds reasonable and feels comfortable for you - not everything in them is gospel...like I said, all children are individuals and one size does not fit all. Listen to your elders, they have great advise..it might seem "not you" when you hear it, but trust me, they have been there and done that!
When in doubt? Consult your pediatrician, they can guide in you in many ways and I'm confident quite happy to and if they are not? Time for a new pediatrician.

Love your children, praise them, guide them, by all means, discipline them (not abuse them)..teach them and you will have a child that can go out in this world and make his or her own way..if they choose not to?  Then at least know that you gave them everything possible to succeed...if they choose drugs or an alternative lifestyle (want to be homeless, want to travel with a band and avoid college to do so, etc) ...that is their choice..as much as it hurts....remember, they are individuals and we really don't have them long enough to do it all.  Just TRY. 

Chronic Pain

This was first diagnoised as TMJ (Temporomandibular joint disorder), in fact, I believed for several years this was the problem, and was treated and medicated for it, the medication worked because of it's capability to treat neuropathic pain (Gabapentin (brand name Neurontin) is a pharmaceutical drug, specifically a GABA analogue. It was originally developed for the treatment of epilepsy, and currently, gabapentin is widely used to relieve pain, especially neuropathic pain, as well as major depressive disorder.)

I have had 3 root canals on just one tooth, I have had 2 teeth removed completely, because initially, the pain only ran along my sinuses which led to a phantom pain in the teeth and along the left side of my jaw, from the joint down. It does not help that I also have chronic sinus disease, which was never diagnosed from 2004 until an MRI in 2009.

In 2007, I went to a maxillofacial surgeon who specialized in TMJ, he made me $3,000.00 splint, which generously included the cost of up to 7 visits for readjustments, which were used in less than 3 weeks. I found, initially, with medication, that it was working, I was so happy to be pain-free! After a couple of months, the appliance adjustment, which I wore 24/7, was hurting before I got home, I mean, extreme pain and the only way to relieve the pain was to remove the splint. I stopped using it completely. The Surgeon blamed my medication, stating that he find patients who take medication do not respond well. I say bull crap!

As years went by, the pain increased, but also spread, it began going toward my ears more, my scalp, and under my jaw, all I could do was take my medicine, 300 mgs in the morning, 300 more in the afternoon, 300 more around dinner and 600 before bed, and if I were lucky, and usually I wasn't, I wouldn't wake up in the night in pain, however, when I did, I'd have to take 1200 mgs more, sit with an ice pack or two, put my sunglasses on (any light whatsoever stings and burns my eyes during these "episodes").
and try to comfort myself any way possible.

To date, I get this facial pain for about 6 months, which is 3 months longer than what it was in 2004. The pain is intensified with many new "pain sensations" and the duration of each episode is much longer and is not easily controlled with medication and an ice pack. I have had an ice pack on my face, while pumped full of medication for 11 hours straight before.

I can't count the times that I have said, and meant it, if I had a gun, I'd end this pain right now..The height of the attack is so much pain, I can't describe it, but I'll try, it is only the left side of my face, and the area affected is my left scalp, down to my neck, from my left ear to the corner of my nose, my jaw line, teeth and eye(left eye), there will be simultaneous, crushing, burning, surface throbbing, deep throbbing, stabbing sharp pain, with what feels like bolts of electricity shooting upward into the face, my teeth on the left will all feel like they are made of cement, my eye swells and throbs and waters so much, my right eye will water, I will be unable to stand the sight of light..I will wear sunglasses in the dark. It's HORRIBLE, I sit with an ice pack attached to my face for hours on end, and I rock back and forth, gently, with my eyes closed in an attempt to "ride the wave of pain", it is sometimes less stressful to embrace it. This pain is excruciatingly painful.

Finally, I found a doctor who loves her job and takes it seriously, she doesn't look at me so much as a paycheck, but as someone who is responsible for and truly wants to help. When I began seeing her, I gave her copies of all my medical records with regard to "TMJ", as she read each one, she looked at me and pointed to one MRI result which clearly stated that no dysfunction of the Temporomandibular joint was found. She then ordered a lot of blood work, got out a pad and paper, and asked me to describe the pain, when it started, where I get it, how long it lasts in episode duration and does it come and go?  I answered all of her questions, went to the lab and had the blood work done, and was back to see her a few days later. My blood work showed that my B12 was very low, I underwent 6 shots to bring it up (B12 is essential for the nerves) and I believe those shots helped with my pain, but she also did some investigating on my symptoms and the amount of medication it takes to get the pain under control and that is when she diagnosed me with having Trigemnial neuralgia. My husband and I left her office with the information sheets she had provided, as I read all of the symptoms, I could NOT believe it described mine perfectly, there is only one thing I found that did not match my circumstances, I am woken in the night with pain, whereas most are not.  In fact, it seems the minute I try to lay down, even slightly elevated, it causes the attack. I have tried sleeping propped up with pillows, and have successfully done so when full of medication and a recent prior attack (say I had an attack at 7:00 p.m. and attempted the propped pillow sleep at 10:00, I'd likely be successful until about 2:00 am). This could be a result of also having chronic sinus disease which really flares up during these pain episodes (6 months worth). I have medication for that too, which helps a great deal.

I have 4 months left of my remission time and it's sad because I really can't even fully enjoy it, I'm so anxious and stressed about what I know lies ahead. 

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Criminal Law - New York State

Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention

Assault on children
Of all the situations I have come into contact with, this is the most disturbing. It became even more disturbing when the defendant would have been found to have had prior arrests and even jail sentences for this crime, yet, was released in a very short time. If you look further into the criminal careers of pedophiles, some will end up murdering their tiny victim. They may not start out that way, but after repeated jail sentences and arrests, they become murderers as well.

After doing research on the subject, I came to find that this crime against children isn't taken as seriously as drinking and driving is. This finding, using the jail or prison sentences as evidence, disturbed me and my sense of right and wrong to the core.

When I picked up a newspaper or read the local news on the internet and see that a fatal DWI (Driving while intoxicated) got the driver LIFE in prison, I would think, a life for a life. Read further down the page, and see that a pedophile who murdered his victim got 20 (twenty years) to life. Why is this innocent child’s life, worth less, legally, than the life of the innocent passenger or another driver? Life without parole should be mandatory for murders such as these, but for some oddity, the law hasn't been updated to hold the child’s life with that much regard.

To criticise law is not my intention. There have been many changes to the laws for children, for example, one in Florida (New York, should take notice)

“Jessica’s Law”
Jessica's Law is the informal name given to a 2005 Florida law, as well as laws in several other states, designed to punish sex offenders and reduce their ability to re-offend. A version of Jessica's Law, known as the Jessica Lunsford Act, was introduced at the federal level in 2005 but was never enacted into law by Congress.

The name is also used by the media to designate all legislation and potential legislation in other states modeled after the Florida law. Forty-two states have introduced such legislation since Florida's law was passed.

The law is named after Jessica Lunsford, a young Florida girl who was raped and murdered in February 2005, by John Couey, a previously convicted sex offender. Public outrage over this case spurred Florida officials to introduce this legislation. Among the key provisions of the law is a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison and lifetime electronic monitoring of adults convicted of lewd or lascivious acts against a victim less than 12 years old. In Florida, sexual battery or rape of a child less than twelve years old is punishable only by life imprisonment with no chance of parole. Her story is below;

Jessica Marie Lunsford (October 6, 1995 – February 27, 2005) was a nine-year-old girl who was abducted from her home in Homosassa, Florida in the early morning of February 24, 2005. Believed held captive over the weekend, she was raped and later murdered by 47-year-old John Couey who was living nearby. The media covered the investigation and trial of her killer extensively. On August 24, 2007 a judge in Inverness, Florida sentenced Couey, a convicted sex offender, to death for kidnapping, raping, and murdering Jessica. Jessica was buried alive with her stuffed toy.

There is also the

“Amber Alert”
An AMBER Alert is a child abduction alert bulletin in the United States and Canada, as well as other countries, issued upon the suspected abduction of a child. AMBER is officially a backronym for "America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response" but was originally named for Amber Hagerman, a 9-year-old child who was abducted and murdered in Arlington, Texas in 1996. Exceptions are in Georgia, where it is called "Levi's Call", Hawaii, where it is called a "Maile Amber Alert", and Arkansas, where it is called a "Morgan Nick Amber Alert". Those plans were named after children who went missing in those states.

AMBER Alerts are distributed via commercial radio stations, satellite radio, television stations, and cable TV by the Emergency Alert System (where they are termed "Child Abduction Emergency" or "Amber Alerts"), as well as via e-mail, electronic traffic-condition signs, the LED billboards which are located outside of newer Walgreens locations, along with the LED/LCD signs of billboard companies such as Clear Channel Outdoor, CBS Outdoor and Lamar, and wireless device SMS text messages. Those interested in subscribing to receive AMBER Alerts in their area via SMS messages can visit Wireless Amber Alerts, which are offered by law as free messages. In some states, the display scroll boards in front of lottery terminals are also used. The decision to declare an AMBER Alert is made by the police organization investigating the abduction. Public information in an AMBER Alert usually consists of the name and description of the abductee, a description of the suspected abductor, and a description and license plate number of the abductor's vehicle, if available.

I have limited this to crimes that have taken place in the USA because I am more familiar with these crimes and of the sentences received. Though, I did recently hear on the news here that a father, who beat up the man who molested his son received more jail time than the offender.

There is work to be done, and this is one area of the law that desperately needs an overhaul.

Thank you for reading my blog on this matter, and if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to offer them to me.

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19 January 2011

Fake and obsessed

Can't live with them and can't live (the right way) without them!

Sterling Silver 2ct Diamond Three Row Bracelet

They teach us so many valuable lessons..such as how NOT to be a over-bearing arsehole to our "friends".
They teach us to treat others with respect, fairness, and to deal with them honestly.
They teach us how to behave, how to not to behave..

They also teach us how to spot them if we look closer..
I've noticed that they normally do not have any close friends, you're it!  You are the only one that they invite over or out..and they try and sometimes do, make you part of their household, even having the kids chum up to you..
They really dislike past-friends and "confide" malicious gossip about them to you, whether you want to hear it or not.

If at any time, you are not available to hang out, they try to not act offended, but they are and it's obvious..because that is when the emails start coming in, and text messages to see if you're alright..In reality, they know that you are, because you simply stated you had other plans..The next time you hang out, they treat you differently and the next...almost as if you have done something to them..it's normally about this time you sense something is not right with this person or this couple and start your move to create space..This is when the real weird stuff starts..

My most recent fake, but obsessed, ex-friend is female, and married..she loves her fake nails, never wears the same outfit twice, and if she does, it is well disguised, tonnes of jewellery, funky hair cut and always, perfume..drinks like a fish, she can and does drink several beers a day/night and tops it off with a bottle or two of red wine, usually Merlot, and seems to function just fine...that speaks volumes for the years she must have been drinking this way..her eyes look dead...she is very jealous and apparently insanely insecure. I believe she is in love herself and with money and nothing much else. Very competitive with her spouse, children, and "friends". She will initially present herself as the nicest person, who would never say "boo", whose feelings are easily hurt and she is basically just a gentle person, which is the complete opposite of who she really is..I know, I've seen the temper first hand, I have listened to the hate spewing from her mouth over needy people..they in fact, disgust her, someone that needs a helping hand is repulsive to her..and her husband seems to feel the same way, though I'd venture to guess he wouldn't dare say otherwise.  This showed me how fake these people really are..when I'd met them, they pretended to have the same compassionate views on people, as I and my husband have. On many occasions, shopping was on the list of things to do on the weekend, where my "friend" would try to pick my clothes and outfits..No thank you, if I wanted to dress like I was 16 again, I would..I did not come out and say that; I instead said it wasn't my taste, for my age.

A real friend will not try to change you, they do not become obsessed with you and all of your private business, they do not interfere with your life, they make it more enjoyable. They are there when you need them and know they can call upon on you if needed..a real friend generally has the same interests. And any real friend of mine, most certainly cares about others, whether known to them or not, and will reach out to help someone in need.

Be selective when choosing your friends..stay away from the intense ones especially if what they say, does not match what they do.. if how they present themselves is in strike contrast to how they really live..if everything about them is exaggerated..lifestyle, appearance, and friendliness...you've found yourself a fake and likely obsessed friend.

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18 January 2011

Something nice!

Now I am compelled to say something nice, after hurling abuse, judging others, and being downright belligerent…

There are so many wonderful people out there; I have met some of the nicest people in real life and on the internet. I love the sense of humour, integrity, sincerity, and intellect that my friends have..I love that I can tell them anything, even if it is embarrassing and even though they may laugh at me, they love me for it, as I do their crazy antics.

Manners, anyone?

I get really angry with people who do you “favours”, but in reality, that favour is cleverly designed to actually help them out. Not to say that helping others isn’t what it is all about, but at least be honest and upfront when you are offering a favour, state that it’s a win-win situation and advise the lucky winner of your favour, as to what you want in return or how their offering to you, will also benefit them. This way, the communication channel is open and the recipient can refuse your favour if what you seek in return is too demanding for them...when you aren’t upfront and honest, the recipient takes you up on your offering and is then forced to abide by your underlying motives. That is just rude and shows your lack of ethics and manners!

Don’t be a bad host, for goodness sakes! I can’t count the stories I have heard over the years, of people being mistreated when invited to someone’s home…Really? What is that all about?

I could not IMAGINE inviting someone into my home and treating them with anything less than respect, friendliness, and naturally being as helpful as I can be. I certainly can’t imagine the motivation behind being a crappy host. If your guests have over stayed their welcome, that is one thing, but that is not what I am necessarily carrying on about. I am crabbing about those that have you over..Say for dinner...and ask you to help prepare it, set the table for it, and clean up after it…that is very bad “host manners." I would not have a dinner guest do anything but enjoy themselves. Or the scenario where you are invited over for coffee or a glass of wine and upon arrival, you are handed whatever it is you went there for and the host sits on the computer, or talks on the phone, or is periodically texting and texting…Bad “host manners."

Now, I am not Miss. Manners by any means, I have blurted out the most vile crap, at the most inappropriate of times…I have sinned in the land of manners many of times..but this is my blog, where I crab about others and I get off the hook.

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Be a good neighbour

People have become so rude and inconsiderate it astonishes me, There is a lack of compassion for our neighbor, but we will send bundles of money to places like Africa or Haiti..I am not saying when a disaster occurs we all shouldn't do what we can, I think we definitely should, if one million people sent $1.00...that would be a big help..But most of us, also know someone nearby that really needs help..Why aren’t we helping them? It is a great feeling to buy some groceries, put them in a box, drop them off at their front door, ring the bell and run...or cash in an envelope if they are behind on their rent or mortgage...Or a gas card if you know they are struggling to get to work...If they have children and it is Christmas, buy some toys and drop them off, and label it from Santa...If you can’t help them, try to find someone who can...Come on; is it that hard to be good neighbors again? I don’t think so.

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Jerk-off of the year 2010

Ok, now for you jerks who seek enjoyment being cruel to your family and friends...you know who you are...stop the crap USER! Everyone you know is so sick and tired of being used, if you really look around, you honestly don’t have many friends left...it is because they are sick of being taken advantage of; Sick of being used and lied to. You are so cunning and yet so transparent...the put on conversations, the fake laughs, the fake nails and dead eyes...The exaggerated lifestyle, the obvious dislike for children, the out-right lies for the purpose of belittling...the sick enjoyment you get from watching others drown..Their feet kicking to stay above water..While you stand at the shore..With a life preserver, laughing. You are truly “Jerk-off's of the year”.

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People who should be slapped

What is the deal with well-off people who feel the need to one up their financially inferior “friends?”...is this really a friendship or is it simply someone to compete with, where you will always win? I think these sorts of people should be tossed onto an island, broke, with people just like them.

I will never understand the need to talk for 40 minutes, on a mobile phone, while you grocery shop, you don’t watch where you are going, you never grab what you need and move on, thus clearing the isle for those who are there to grocery shop.. You come close to getting your butt kicked every 10 seconds.. You idiot.

I have no tolerance for people who have or have the tendency to abuse an animal, especially a pet.. What you have done, or say you will do to them, should be done to you, regardless of how cruel it is. People like you should be ashamed of themselves; you’re heartless, selfish and have no soul.

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How to raise a juvenile delinquent

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1.) Tell them if they don’t stop misbehaving you will punish them.. and then don’t, they will learn there are no consequences for their actions and only JAIL will teach them there is. Trust me, I know. 

2.) Ask them no less than 10 times to do something or to stop doing something, they will quickly learn they don’t have to listen to you or “anyone” for that matter.

3.) Let them swear, talk back, hit adults, abuse animals, and be disorderly with nothing more than an obligatory smack and then give them a treat, start this from a young age so they will never respect anyone but the prison guards.

4.) Permit your child to run the house, if they want to watch TV all day, let them, if they don’t want to nap, don’t make them, if they don’t want to go to bed at bedtime, don’t make them; instead let them yell at you, kick you, and throw a tantrum!! That's when you give in....this way they will know that they Really DO run the house and when they are older, they will run you too. Have FUN!

5.) If anyone DARE try to correct your child or teach them any manners at all, quickly put them in their place, after all, this is your future convict, not theirs!

6.) Never eat as a family, let the child(ren) eat in the living room while watching their favourite TV program or while on the computer.

7.) Join a social networking group such as facebook or myspace, play all the games they have to offer and ignore your children, to hell with helping the kids with their homework, who cares what they are getting into, it doesn't matter if they are fighting or being destructive..What difference does it make? They are eventually going to end up incarcerated anyway!

8.) NEVER let the children join sports, they might learn to share, play as a team, and respect others. This is a big NO-NO.

9.) Do not teach them any responsibility for themselves, their toys, or actions. If a toy gets broke because they intentionally broke it, buy another one, after all they have a right to show anger too..if they disrespect an elder, who cares? That elder probably tried to teach them some manners..who needs that? If they hurt themselves because they were doing exactly what you had told them not to..Cuddle them and give them a lolly, after all, it is much easier than explaining why they were hurt to begin with, isn’t it? There will be plenty of opportunities for them to explain their actions to a judge someday..

10.) Tell them that they have to take a nap and when they scream NO at you, offer them a treat instead.

11.) Last but not least, be sure that on those rare occasions, you discipline your child..Mainly because they are inconveniencing you, that you promptly apologise for it and give them lollies, they aren’t to understand that you aren’t capable of raising a child..!


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Mental Adjustment to Radical Ideas

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